Featured Projects
Want to bring your community care project to life? Contact Paige to book your discovery call.
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Broken Ground Podcast
Webby Award-nominated podcast about the community organizing & legislative work around climate change in the US South.
Not YeT
A well-being library nourishing your relationship with self, community, and the land.
NYC Mayor’s Office
Documented the history & culture of New York City for its population of over 8 million people.
Pleasure Festival
Summer events series exploring the role of pleasure in building the world of our dreams.
Google Journey
Google’s interactive online documentary exploring race & its intersections in tech.
THE DIG Interactive
World Press Photo award-winning interactive series showing where you fall on the intimacy spectrum.
Police-Free Schools Campaign
The Police-Free Schools community organizing campaign’s virtual home base.
{The And} Relationships
Emmy award-winning interactive documentary exploring the dynamics of modern relationships.
Global Digital Summit
Multinational remote summit for the British Psychological Society (BPS).